
The Church of Tony

"What, no fucking ziti?" - Anthony Soprano Jr.

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

One more thing... 

I found the choice for Carm's film club to watch Citizen Kane very interesting. A movie about a powerful, supremely unscrupulous man who uses, abuses and alienates friends and family, can't keep a marriage together, and ultimately dies alone and unloved and is remembered mostly for the wreckage he caused in people's lives. I mean, she's going off that AFI list so it's an obvious pick for the first screening, but it speaks volumes to what could be laying in wait for Tony.

And what were the next two films on their list? #2: Casablanca, featuring estranged lovers. And #3: The Godfather - I think that one doesn't need explanation as to how it pertains to The Sopranos.
posted by MG  # 6:50 PM

Episode 2: Rat Pack 

First off, lemme just say: Steve Buscemi...sweeeet.

The pendulum definitely seems to have swung around this season towards Mafia Intrigue. Tony's finding (or not finding) himself surrounded by snitches, from Ray Curto and Jack Massarone to Adrianna. Carmine Lupertazzi finally dies of his stroke and a war seems to be brewing between Carmine Jr. and Johnny Sack for control of the New York family. On top of all that, it doesn't look like a smooth integration for the "Class of 2004"; Feech looks up to something (especially taking into account the trailer for next week) and Tony B. doesn't want in on any action, preferring to go the legit route (or so it would seem - what's up with him and Feech?). I know that it's said every season, but this one looks like it could get very bloody.

This episode, and the show in general, just has so many amazing little subtleties. I'm so used to characters in TV shows that just blurt out whatver they're thinking that it doesn't even dawn on me as important when I see such a key scene as when Tony is standing in front of the mirror, checking out his waistline. Then later when you see what happens to Jack Massarone it still doesn't perfectly come together. You have to think about it for a while. And when the pieces fall into place, you realize that it's not as if the show didn't give you everything you needed to know, the writers didn't want to spoonfeed you. You don't need to see that "Ah-ha!" realization, or hear Tony's thought process. It invites you into Tony's process: he gets a notion and he whacks someone.
posted by MG  # 6:36 PM


02/29/2004 - 03/07/2004   03/07/2004 - 03/14/2004   03/14/2004 - 03/21/2004   03/21/2004 - 03/28/2004  


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